There are several ways to support Iowa’s native plants. The Iowa Native Plant Society is a 501(c)3 organization and gifts to INPS are tax-deductible. There is also an endowment described below.
The Iowa Native Plant Society Endowment was established in 2015 at the Community Foundation of Johnson County (CFJC). Endowment earnings support our Grants program. We thank Julie Scott and James Fluck for establishing this endowment. This generous gift is used primarily to supplement our grants program, with the first endowment earnings feeding into grants payments in 2017. Donations earn a 25% state tax credit!
INPS is very fortunate to have Julie and James as members who both love plants and are generous and creative with their gifts! We sincerely thank them for this unexpected gift to our organization, which supports and will multiply the passion our members feel for native plants. Julie and James encourage others to make donations to the endowment.
Contributions to the INPS Endowment can easily be made online. Please visit Johnson County Community Foundation to support our endowment!
Other donations and gifts, all tax-deductible, should be sent to our Treasurer.
A special gift can be targeted specifically for the Restore Iowa! Grants for youth, or our Small Grants Program.
Tribute gifts recognize someone who is making a difference in native plant conservation. Those honored are announced in the Erythronium newsletter.
Memorial gifts are a way to help remember someone who appreciated native plants. Thus far, memorials have been established in memory of: